Rose Hip Freezer Jam

Rose Hip Freezer Jam
1 cuprose hips
3/4 cupwater
3 Tbsplemon
2 cupssugar
1.75 oz (1 pkg)powdered pectin

Half a kg of whole hips is a double batch, so roughly half a pound should do this single batch version.  They can be hard to split and seed, and the hairs inside the hips may be an irritant to your skin.  This is the kind of work I do while I do something else.  zzZz
Put the hips and the water and lemon into the food processor, if you have one, blender will work, too.  If you're doing this with a mortar and pestle, you're the kind of crazy I aspire to.
Once the rose hips are blended smooth, add the HALF the sugar.  Blend about half a minute or so until dissolved.  Set aside.  Mix the other half of the sugar with the dry pectin, to help the pectin dissolve properly.
Add the water to the sugar-pectin mixture stir until the pectin is dissolved, THEN bring it to a boil.  Keep a rolling boil for one minute, then carefully pour it into the rose hips.  Blend on low until thoroughly mixed; 15 or 20 seconds.
Pour the jam into jars, let them stand for a day, then move them into the freezer.  I use smallish jars for this, and just use the lids they come with. Best practice is to fully tighten the lids after the jam is frozen.  It keeps in the fridge for several weeks, in the freezer for many (6 or more) months.  It has no preservatives though, so don't leave it out for long.